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Join us for Shabbat Services: Friday at 6:00 pm, Saturday at 9:30 am

Religious School

If you would like more information on anything in our Education Department or have any questions, please feel free to contact Samantha Hoffman, Director of Family and Community Learning, at 714.730.5161 or  SHoffman@cbi18.org


2024-2025 Membership and Religious School Enrollment

Click here to Join/RenewCBI Membership & Sign up for Religious School

CBI Membership is Required for Religious School Enrollment. Registrations after August 16, for religious school, will be subject to availability by grade.


Click here to complete Religious School Registration Form AFTER completing membership form

After completing your membership form, please complete the religious school registration form, so our team will be prepared for your child(ren) to start school in September. 


Madrichim Program (9th-12th grade)

Congregation B'nai Israel Madrichim (Teaching Assistant) Program is for students who will be in 9th-12th grade during the 24-25 school year. 9th graders will serve as interns, earning volunteer hours, learning on the job and attending special training sessions. 10th-12th graders will be assigned to specific classrooms and will be paid by the hour (minimum wage). 

The Madrichim Program will not only enhance your Jewish knowledge, leadership and identity, but also enhance the Religious School. By becoming a Madrich/a, you will serve as a Teacher Assistant in one of our Religious School classes on Sundays from 9:00am-12:00pm. Madrichim help teachers with daily activities, such as leading small groups, taking attendance, helping with hands-on learning projects, working with students who may need extra attention, and most importantly, serving as a Jewish role model for our kids! Madrichim will receive specific training by experts during the teaching hours.  

Please Note: Madrichim must be signed up for Hebrew High

Madrichim Application link


CBI is a village – a place of warmth, inclusion, and belonging for all. Our kids love (yeah, really!!) coming to our Religious School because they know they will spend time learning with friends, in small classes with lots of personal attention from our dedicated and caring teachers. Many of our students describe CBI as their “happy place.” And nothing makes us happier than that.

As Orange County’s only Religious School associated with the Conservative Movement. We offer a real depth of learning — our kids become proficient in Hebrew and gain comfort in the synagogue service, encounter sacred texts, and discuss and debate Jewish values and ideas.  At the same time, our teachers focus on creating experiences that are fun, engaging, age-appropriate, and meaningful. We welcome students of all levels of Jewish background and different kinds of learning needs.

We welcome you to be part of our community of learning and connection!

Grades Pre-K-1

Our youngest students meet on Sundays, 9:00am-12:00pm. Together, they learn about Jewish holidays and values through stories, art, food, and drama. We are especially proud of our music and tefilah (prayer) programs, which help even our littlest CBIers to feel comfortable in a synagogue setting. We begin introducing them to the Hebrew letters and sounds, to prepare them for what’s to come in older grades.

Grades 2-7

Our students in grades 2-7 meet on Sundays, 9:00 am-12:00 pm, and Wednesdays, 4:15 pm-6:00 pm. They learn to read Hebrew, with an emphasis on tefillah (prayer) skills and vocabulary. Our goal is that they should be comfortable participating in a synagogue service anywhere in the world. In addition, students learn about Torah, Jewish values, Israel, and the cycle of the Jewish year. In our oldest grades, we offer an in-depth exploration of Jewish history and B’nai Mitzvah skills, including more advanced siddur (prayerbook) fluency and Torah trope.

Daniel Zembrosky Youth in Art Fund

We provide unique art experiences for our students. With support from the Daniel Zembrosky Youth in Art Fund, our students will have hands-on experiences creating significant Jewish ritual objects.

Shabbat Experiences

Throughout the school year, we celebrate Shabbat with our synagogue community. Our students all participate in leading Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night) services for the whole congregation.

Family Education

Our 6th and 7th Graders and their parents participate in a series of Family Education classes, including dedicated time with our Rabbi and Cantor. As students prepare for their B’nai Mitzvah, this is a wonderful opportunity for families to learn and bond together, engage with big Jewish ideas, and gain experience with skills like writing a d’var Torah (sermon) or selecting a mitzvah project.

Hebrew High – Grades 8-12: Learning & Dining Together

In Hebrew High we focus on personal growth, spirituality, and character development through a Jewish lens. We discuss issues related to our teens’ lives and provide them the opportunity to explore their values with Jewish texts and discussions with our clergy. We emphasize critical thinking and discussion in a safe sacred space.

Our Hebrew High is also an important social time for our teens. We provide a kosher meal for every session so that they can meet and catch up with their CBI friends.

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785